Postfix , Dovecot & the Spam fight

Leander Schäfer info at
Mon Feb 9 21:29:29 UTC 2015


I'm currently busy with a substiution of my current mail server. I'm 
currently using

  * Clam-SMTP and
  * SpamAssassin

to fight Spam. I wonder if it is worth implementing AmaViS with 
SpamAssassin backend instead and also using AmaViS to speak to clamd 
directly. But I more and more wonder wether AmaViS is even worth it?! It 
currently looks to me as if AmaViS is eating LOTS of ressources and it 
is very uncomfortable for automated installations if you have to do 
dynamic batch changes on the AmaViS configs - sed(1) is your friend but 
this hectic escaping and workarrounds is really not sustainable to maintain.

So my question is: Does AmaViS have any advantages compared to the 
current setup? I don't seem to find lots of qualified discussions for 
this on the net. The AmaViS related articles I found are freaking old. 
Would be nice the get your best practice as a change.

Thanks a lot

Best regards

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