autocreating folders with special chars stored in mysql-userdb

Hajo Locke Hajo.Locke at
Fri Jul 3 12:46:38 UTC 2015


ok, i solved this.

Am 02.07.2015 um 13:52 schrieb Hajo Locke:
> Hello,
> i use dovecot 2.2.18 and do some tests with an utf8 mysqlbackend.
> I use MySQL to authenticate Users and for retrieving some individual 
> settings like autocreating folders etc. by userdb-settings in user-query.
> Yet no problems with standard language. Now i try to provide 
> userdb-settings in exotic languages.
> My MySQL table uses utf8 charset. I store some data in my userdb-column.
> Here an polish example: "namespace/inbox/mailbox=example 
> namespace/inbox/mailbox/example/name=postępować 
> namespace/inbox/mailbox/example/auto=subscribe"
In dovecot.conf i used an sql-passdb and prefetching for userdb to save 
a query, but this is the point where dovecot performed a latin1 
conversion of retrieved utf8 data.
I changed from userdb-prefetch to sql and splitted up into two queries 
and all is ok.
Additional i had to use Parameter option_file for dovecot-sql.conf at 
connect directive containing "default-character-set=utf8" to make sure 
dovecot uses utf8 as default charset varying from default my.cnf
> Result is a new folder in dovecot, but in client every special char ę 
> and ć is replaced with a "?"
> I seems that at some point a conversion to latin1 is performed which 
> ruins the utf8 chars.
> Creating a folder postępować  by imap-client is no problem.
> Hmm, what should i do now? I dont know how to influence dovecot to 
> process retrieved utf8 data furthermore as utf8.
> Which charset is using dovecot when connecting to mysqldb and how to 
> take influence?
> Thanks,
> Hajo


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