Sieve security: Any way to protect credentials used in extprograms?

E.B. emailbuilder88 at
Wed Mar 11 05:52:01 UTC 2015

I need to connect to a database in a script called using Sieve
extprograms plugin.  When delivering mail, Sieve is running
as the mail recipient user, which means any files, either the
sieve script or the extprograms it invokes, are run under that
user's permissions.

What would be a way to hide the database credentials in a
more restricted file?  I can think of...

* Store the credentials in the database itself, return them
from a DICT lookup that is fed to the sieve script.  The 
credentials would have to be duplicated for every user
record in the database.

* Somehow put the value in the Sieve environment,
but I'm not sure how to get a value into the environment
(just return it in a userdb lookup?) and then how to get
at that value once I'm executing the sieve script (can I
retrieve it with the "environment" extension?)

Are there better ways?

[Of course, if I could do more elaborate things like call
a stored procedure from Dovecot DICT then I could
avoid this situation]

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