Overriding dovecot.conf from Userdb Extras

Steffen Kaiser skdovecot at smail.inf.fh-brs.de
Mon Mar 16 08:12:48 UTC 2015

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 13 Mar 2015, E.B. wrote:
>>> I thought I read that anything from dovecot.conf can be overridden in a
>>> userdb lookup. Or a passdb lookup with "userdb_" prefix.
>>> But I tried for fun change log_path but it never worked. Is that because
>>> logging is special, already started logging before it comes to the
>>> passdb/userdb lookups? So are there some dovecot.conf settings
>>> that cannot be overridden?
> I've successfully overridden a few different
> dovecot.conf settings, mostly for lda and sieve,
> but also mail_debug from 10-logging.conf.  So
> it does work to override *some* settings from
                            ^^ I would say "most" :)

> dovecot.conf -- but there seem to be a few like
> log_path that are immune to overrides I guess.

My understanding is that you can override all settings, but overriding 
does not perform any action. You said yourself:

the log is already open and Dovecot does not implement to re-open the 
log. If it would, the setting would be the overriden, I guess.

The same applies to port and service settings, after an user 
authentificated or the userdb is queried, the basic configuration of the 
demons is not changed, hence, the override has no effect.

Maybe you should raise a feature request for changing the log path or 
offer a patch.

- -- 
Steffen Kaiser
Version: GnuPG v1


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