Released Pigeonhole v0.4.8.rc1 for Dovecot v2.2.17.rc1

Stephan Bosch stephan at
Sun May 10 22:42:21 UTC 2015

Hello Dovecot users,

Here's the Pigeonhole RC that goes with the Dovecot RC. It includes a
few small fixes and one new feature.

Changelog v0.4.8.rc1:

* LDA Sieve plugin: Dovecot changed the deliver_log_format setting to
  include %{delivery_time}. This prompted changes in Pigeonhole that
  make this release dependent on Dovecot v2.2.17.
+ Implemented magic to make sieve_default script visible from
  ManageSieve under a configurable name. This way, users can see the
  default rules, edit them and store a private adjusted version. This
  could also be achieved by copying the default script into the user's
  script storage, but that way updates to the global sieve_default
  script would be ignored.
- Fixed problem in address test: erroneously decoded mime-encoded words
  in address headers.
- extprograms plugin: Fixed failure occurring when connecting to script
  service without the need to read back the output from the external
- Fixed bug in script storage path normalization occurring with relative
  symbolic links below root.
- Fixed and updated various parts of the documentation.

The release is available as follows:

Refer to and the Dovecot v2.x wiki for
more information. Have fun testing this new release and don't hesitate
to notify me when there are any problems.


Stephan Bosch
stephan at

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