Order in which UIDs are assigned..

Akash akbwiz+dovecot at gmail.com
Sat Oct 17 08:44:44 UTC 2015

> Dovecot doesn't look at the new files' mtimes or ctimes, because that
> would require stat()ing the file, which slows it down. So it's using
> the timestamp in the Maildir filename itself.

Thanks Timo for the clarification. Whats Dovecot's strategy when the 
file-name does not contain a time-stamp and its just a sequential long 
number such as 1494829006737776656. My problem is that I am manually 
copying a lot of mail into the "new" directory of a Maildir. The file 
names range from: 1280369043768241070 - 1514890738113019895 but Dovecot 
is always assigning first UID to the mail in the file 
1494829006737776656. And I am failing to understand why. I tried this 
3-4 times using different ways. First by simply hard linking the files 
into "new" dir, second by copying them over, third by copying and then 
touching the file in a way that lower in sequence has a lower mtime, 
fourth by copying them into "new" in proper ascending sequence 
(according to file name) and then giving them appropriate mtime related 
to their sequence. But no matter what i do, Dovecot assigns first UID to 
file 1494829006737776656 only.


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