dovecot-lda core-dumps when antispam pipe script calls it

Steffen Kaiser skdovecot at
Mon Aug 22 07:19:19 UTC 2016

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 19 Aug 2016, ben at wrote:
> On 2016-08-19 12:17, ben at wrote:
>> Aha! Clearly, the vmail user cannot read from nor write to /tmp. (Why
>> that is, I have no idea, as the /tmp directory's permissions certainly

Do you have SELinux active?
See almost at the end of

>> allow for both; maybe Dovecot implements this as a security measure.)

No. Dovecot does not implement anything like that.
Do you chroot ?

>> This prompted me to change all references to /tmp in the pipe script
>> to ~/tmp, and create this directory:
>> $ whoami
>> vmail
>> $ mkdir ~/tmp && chmod 770 ~/tmp
>> $ /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/ --ham < /var/vmail/gtube.txt
>> No errors this time (at least not on the console).
>> But I do get this in /var/log/mail.err:
>> Aug 19 12:04:24 dovecot: lda(sa-training at
>> Fatal: Can't open delivery mail as raw: Permission denied
>> I'm not sure how to interpret this message. Where is permission being
>> denied? More importantly, what's the fix?
>> Thanks for any hints!
>> -Ben
> Apologies for the rapid-fire replies here.
> The strace output that I'm capturing in the pipe script pinpointed the 
> problem:
> open("/root/~/tmp/sendmail-msg-26272.txt", O_RDONLY) = -1 EACCES (Permission 
> denied)

Er, '/root/~/tmp/' ??

> There seems to be some expansion occurring that assumes the root user, 
> despite executing the pipe script as the vmail user, so I changed all 
> references  to ~/tmp in the pipe script to /var/vmail/tmp and permission is 
> no longer denied.
> But, now dovecot-lda is core-dumping. Here is the strace output:
> So, I'm back to where I was with this problem two years ago.
> At that time, I gave-up, because I couldn't invest the time required to 
> compile the latest versions of Dovecot and all plugins from scratch in an 
> effort to prove that the bug exists in the latest source.
> "Dovecot always logs a detailed error message if something goes wrong. If it 
> doesn't, it's considered a bug and will be fixed." - 
> I'm happy to help identify the root-cause, but I need some guidance here.

First: check the SELinux thing.
Second: Do you run in a chrooted environment?
Third: Enclose all your script with logging, e.g.:

echo "$@"
id -a
echo environment
# check for chroot
echo stat /
stat /
echo /proc/1/mountinfo
awk '$5=="/" {print}' </proc/1/mountinfo
echo /proc/$$/mountinfo
awk '$5=="/" {print}' </proc/$$/mountinfo
# enable bash tracing
set -vx

... # old script
) >> /var/tmp/antispam.$$.log 2>&1

Make sure /var/tmp/antispam.$$.log is writeable, maybe create a new 
directory with owner vmail.
Make sure you have 2>&1 at the end. Your log misses all the error 
Also, you will now have a log file for each run of the script.

To check for chroot:
stat / should print inode 2, but any mountpoint has inode 2.
/proc/$$/mountinfo displays the physical information of a mount, if both 
differ, the current process is chrooted. "1" should be the init process.

In your script:

for opt; do
         if [[ "$*" =~ .*ham.* ]]

This makes no sense, either use for loop and test "$opt" here, or do not 
use for, but use "$*"; .*ham.* should be quoted anyway.

cat<&0 >> /tmp/sendmail-msg-$$.txt
Well, if for any reason this file exists, ..
cat - >/tmp/sendmail-msg-$$.txt

/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d "sa-training at" -m "Training.$mode"
You've already scraped the message from stdin into a file, so add:
< /tmp/sendmail-msg-$$.txt

About the '-p' switch present in the strace-variant:
Please scan the mailing list for the status of it, IMHO, there had been 
lots of trouble in certain cases.

The strace variant should use -oLogfile.strace.$$.log in order to separate 
the output of the command and strace logging.

- -- 
Steffen Kaiser
Version: GnuPG v1


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