IPv4/IPv6 mismatches of doveadm: Fatal: connect(fd00:b::1:12345) failed: Connection refused

Michael Grimm trashcan at ellael.org
Wed Dec 28 16:18:37 UTC 2016

Hi —

I recently extendend my IPsec tunnel between two mail servers to deal with IPv4 addresses in addition to IPv6 ones. (No specific reason for that.)
I ran into an issue worth reporting. This is Dovecot v2.2.27 (c0f36b0) at FreeBSD STABLE-11.


		plugin { 
			mail_replica = tcp:remote.test
		service doveadm {
		inet_listener {
			address = [::]

	| local> host remote.test:	
	remote.test has IPv6 address fd00:b::1

 	working well.


		plugin { 
			mail_replica = tcp:remote.test
		service doveadm {
		inet_listener {
			address = *

	| local> host remote.test:	
	remote.test has address
	remote.test has IPv6 address fd00:b::1

Now, Replication stops and throws an error like:

	| <mail.crit> local.test dovecot: doveadm(user): Fatal: connect(fd00:b::1:12345) failed: Connection refused

If I either

	#) remove IPv6 from my lokal DNS, 
	#) use "mail_replica = tcp:", or 
	#) define the appropriate IPv4 address of remote.test in /etc/hosts, 

then replication works as usual.

Hmm, shouldn't doveadm be more persistent in using every IP address of that entry of mail_replica *before* throwing a "Fatal:" error?
Or do I miss something, and it's a feature, instead?


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