Per-user special folder?

Hajo Locke Hajo.Locke at
Tue Feb 9 22:33:53 UTC 2016


Am 09.02.2016 um 22:28 schrieb Richard Platel:
> Hi
> It's possible to mark some folders as special use for IMAP in the config like:
> namespace inbox {
>    mailbox Spam {
>      special_use = \Junk
>    }
> }
> Our webmail allows users to use an arbitrary folder for Spam, and we have this settings and we'd like to return it in from our UserDB (which is a custom dict proxy).
> For testing were able to set a namespace parameter like "separator" by returning:
> "namespace/inbox/separator" : "=",
> from UserDB, but can't figure out a way to set mailbox settings,
> "namespace/inbox/mailbox Spam/special_use" : "\Junk", for example doesn't work.
> Is there a way to return this setting from a UserDB query?
we use this a lot with userdb to allow individual folders marked as special.
your userbd-query should return something like this:

namespace/inbox/mailbox=Junk namespace/inbox/mailbox/Junk/name=Spam 
Spam is visible name in this case.


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