Converting mailboxes to UTF-8

Timo Sirainen tss at
Sun Jul 24 22:08:39 UTC 2016

On 23 Jul 2016, at 13:44, Артем Перекресний <kondybas at> wrote:
> Is any proven routine to migrate mailboxes from mUTF-7 to UTF-8 encoding?

For what purpose? By default Dovecot assumes that mailboxes are mUTF-7 on filesystem.

> I've try to use doveadm list/mutf7/rename but have been stuck with nested
> inboxes. Say I have the next structure:
> INBOX.жыр
> INBOX.жыр.ядъ
> encoded for FS respectively as
> ​When I've try to rename ​INBOX.жыр with
> doveadm mailbox rename -u me -s "INBOX.&BDYESwRA-" $(doveadm mailbox mutf7
> -7 "INBOX.&BDYESwRA-")
> I've get the next:
> .INBOX.жыр
> ​Sure when I've try to rename ​.INBOX.жыр.&BE8ENARK- I've get a message
> that this is not a valid mUTF7-encoded string.
> So that is the question.

I don't think there's any especially easy way to do that. You'd need to write a script that properly goes through the hierarchies and does the renaming.

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