SSL connection reset by peer

Steffen Kaiser skdovecot at
Tue Jul 26 07:05:01 UTC 2016

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 26 Jul 2016, Vince42 wrote:

> [Steffen Kaiser] - [2016-07-25 08:23]
>>> I am running a dovecot server and have set up an external monitoring,
>>> where every five minutes a login with SSL on port 993 is done. I usually
>>> get once a day an error "connection reset by peer - SSL connect", which
>>> goes away until the next monitor is executed.
>> that looks like a basic networking issue to me.
>> Do you have logs how many users try to connect at this time? Is it
>> always the same time range? Is the server load very high?
> My server has nice specs (in fact a 30 times lower scaled server never
> had this kind of problems), I also don't host many domains and users,
> therefore I doubt that some kind of limit might be touched. I also
> suspected some internal system load, but unfortunately the error occurs
> arbitrarily, which makes me think that no scheduled process is
> responsible for this. I also ran 'top' during such an event without any
> obvious load tasks. The system statistics also show no weird peaks. I
> read about the "running out of random" phenomenon, but during such an
> event there were still enough resources random-wise.

what about the network itself? Does the monitor crosses a firewall?

> Could it be that I need to offer more login processes or that I should
> raise some of my configuration values? The mail_max_userip_connections
> does not seem to solve the problem.

usually you get some warning in the logs, if such limit is reached.

- -- 
Steffen Kaiser
Version: GnuPG v1


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