Mailbox location

Doug Hardie bc979 at
Fri Jun 17 05:53:26 UTC 2016

I am running a small server with a fixed number of users.  Postfix is using dovecot lda so that I can run pigeonhole.  I have setup a user file with the ids and passwords and everything authenticates properly.  Postfix uses that also.  However, mail is consistently delivered to user at domain.  How do I tell it to deliver to just user?  I have tried setting a variety of different things like:

10-mail.conf:mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/home_mail/%u

userdb {
  driver = static
  args = uid=2222 gid=2222 home=/var/mail/home_mail/%u

and a few other things.  None of them affected the mailbox location.  Fortunately, this is a test system as I probably have mucked up the config files by now.  

— Doug

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