protocols.d/ dir empty?

Stephan Bosch stephan at
Tue Mar 22 16:15:55 UTC 2016

Op 22-3-2016 om 15:50 schreef Kieran:
> (I hope I'm doing this right)
> Hey there. I have a problem with the dovecot protocols. When I do 
> /telnet 143/ it gives me a connection refused error. I 
> looked in the wiki and then after trying /doveconf protocols listen /I 
> realized that I don't have any protocols.//I went in 
> //usr/share/dovecot/protocols.d/ and it's empty.
> How can I fix that?

That protocols directory is specific to Debian. Did you install the 
dovecot-imapd package? The question is similar for other protocols that 
you may want to use; each has its own binary package.



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