Subscription not immediately reflected

Aki Tuomi aki.tuomi at
Thu Oct 27 09:47:08 UTC 2016

On 26.10.2016 17:52, John van der Kamp wrote:
> I was able to find some time to debug this more, and I found the change that breaks it was introduced in 2.2.25:
> If I revert 18856082d632ac60996637547098688148826b5a from release-2.2.25 branch, the test works again.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dovecot [mailto:dovecot-bounces at] On Behalf Of John van der Kamp
> Sent: Friday, 7 October, 2016 18:00
> To: dovecot at
> Subject: Subscription not immediately reflected
> Hello,
> I noticed that somewhere between 2.2.22 and 2.2.25 the workings of subscriptions seem to have changed.
> In version 2.2.25, when a client subscribes to a folder, and then does an LSUB command, it will not see that subscribed folder.
> If you retry the LSUB command, the change is there.
> Same with unsubscribes.
> In version 2.2.22 I did not see this weird behavior.
> John

Does it work if you issue NOOP in the middle?


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