under another kind of attack

Olaf Hopp Olaf.Hopp at kit.edu
Thu Jul 27 10:40:13 EEST 2017

On 07/27/2017 05:19 AM, James Brown wrote:
>> On 26 Jul 2017, at 7:57 pm, Olaf Hopp <Olaf.Hopp at kit.edu> wrote:
>> Dear collegues,
>> many thanks for your valuable input.
>> Since we are an university GEO-IP blocking is not an option for us.
>> Somestimes I think it should ;-)
>> My "mistake" was that I had just *one* fail2ban filter for both cases:
>> "wrong password" and "unknown user".
>> Now I have two distinct jails:
>> The first one just for "wrong password" and here the findtime, bantime, retries
>> are tolerant to typos.
>> And I have a new one just for "unknown user" and here my bantime and findtime
>> are much bigger and the retries are just '2'. So here I'm much harsher.
>> I'll keep an eye on my logs and maybe some more twaeking is necessary.
>> Another interesting observation:
>> I activated
>> auth_verbose_passwords = plain
>> to log the plain password when (and only when) there is "unknown user".
>> It reveals that all different IPs trying one unknown account always try with the
>> same stupid password scheme <ACCOUNT>1234. So this doesn't look very well
>> coordinated between the bots ;-)
> Olaf, how do you do this only for the unknown user?
> Can you share the Dovecot settings?
> I’m under the same sort of slow distributed attack.
> Also the two fail2ban jails would be helpful.

Nothing special in the dovecot config



enabled = true
filter  = dovecot
action  = iptables-multiport[name=dovecot, port="pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,submission,465,sieve", protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/dovecot
bantime = 600
findtime= 600
maxretry= 5
backend = auto


ignoreip = X.X.X.0/24
enabled = true
filter  = dovecot_unknown
action  = iptables-multiport[name=dovecot_unknown, port="pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,submission,465,sieve", protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/dovecot
bantime = 14400
findtime= 14400
maxretry= 2
backend = auto


before = common.conf

failregex =  dovecot: auth-worker\(\d+\): pam\(.*,<HOST>,\<.*\>\): pam_authenticate\(\) failed: Authentication failure \(password mismatch\?\)
ignoreregex =


before = common.conf

failregex =  dovecot: auth-worker\(\d+\): pam\(.*,<HOST>,\<.*\>\): unknown user.*
ignoreregex =

The failregex lines may need adaption to your log format.
"fail2ban-regex" is your friend.

On my Dovecot 2.2.31 unknows user log lines are
      Jul 26 14:58:56 irams1 dovecot: auth-worker(2822): pam(inikul,,<TcVzAjhVMINwNl0i>): unknown user (given password: inikul2017)

and "wrong password" lines look like this
      Jul 26 15:01:41 irams1 dovecot: auth-worker(3530): pam(johndoe,,<r+xPDDhVGJh40aR2>): pam_authenticate() failed: Authentication failure (password mismatch?)

Regards, Olaf
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
ATIS - Abt. Technische Infrastruktur, Fakultät für Informatik

Dipl.-Geophys. Olaf Hopp
- Leitung IT-Dienste -

Am Fasanengarten 5, Gebäude 50.34, Raum 009
76131 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 721 608-43973
Fax: +49 721 608-46699
E-Mail: Olaf.Hopp at kit.edu


KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

Das KIT ist seit 2010 als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert.

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