Sieve coding question

Stephan Bosch stephan at
Fri Nov 17 22:57:28 EET 2017

Op 11/17/2017 om 9:29 PM schreef Roger B.A. Klorese:
> On 11/16/17 11:03 AM, Stephan Bosch wrote:
>> Op 11/16/2017 om 7:42 PM schreef lists.dovecot at
>>> Is there a more appropriate list on which to ask for assistance in
>>> coding Sieve rules, or may I ask here?
>> I know of no other suitable venue, so go ahead.
>> Regards,
>> Stephan.
> I have the following as the last rule:
> if anyof (header :contains "x-spam-flag" "YES", header :contains
> "subject" "*****SPAM*****")
> {
>     fileinto "INBOX.Junk";
>     stop;
> }
> It seems to fire not only when mail is first retrieved, but if a
> message is moved back into INBOX (so it moves back to Spam). Any
> suggestions on how to make it fire only on initial processing?

In what kind of configuration is this script supposed to work?
Presumably something involving IMAPSieve...



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