XDOVECOT capability?

Hogne Vevle hv at webhuset.no
Tue Nov 28 20:04:33 EET 2017


Here and there, I'm seeing mentions of a "XDOVECOT" capability - e.g. on https://documentation.open-xchange.com/7.8.2/middleware/components/search/crossfolder_fts_in_mail.html .

However, I can't seem to find any documentation on what this actually does. 

We need to add this capability to our servers in order for certain functionality of Open Xchange App Suite to work properly (as seen in the link above), but we don't want to blindly update our entire Dovecot cluster just because their docs tell us to :) 

Can someone, please, shed some light on what other effects we can expect to see after enabling this capability, if any? Or is it simply a way of telling clients that "Hey, I'm a Dovecot server" - nothing else?


- Hogne

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