Disconnected: Inactivity (no auth attempts in 180 secs)

Joseph Tam jtam.home at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 02:42:14 EET 2017

Alexandre <byalefp at yahoo.com.br> wrote:

> I can send and receive mails using:
> IMAP 143 with TLS

OK, IMAP STARTTLS is working in some sense.  (Your MTA handles
SMTP, not dovecot.)

> The hangup occours inside of my LAN using Outlook 2016, and Outside
> also trying access on 4G from my Android smartphone.
> My goal is enable also POP3s and IMAPs using TLS.

[voluminous diagnostics]

I can't really see from what you present what the problem is.
Can you report the output of

 	openssl s_client -starttls imap {imap-server}:143
 	openssl s_client -starttls pop3 {imap-server}:110

(from both inside and outside), as well as any matching log entries.

Joseph Tam <jtam.home at gmail.com>

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