Moving Alternate Storage to another disk.

bOnK lists+dovecot at
Mon Dec 31 16:02:39 EET 2018


Dovecot 2.3.4_3 on FreeBSD 11.2.

I am using mdbox Alternate Storage since about two years without any 
However, the disk containing this storage is almost full and I have to 
move this data to another disk, probably zpool.

Would it be okay to do the following?
1) Shut down dovecot (and mail server) so no new mail comes in.
2) Copy/move all files in ALT location to new disk, using shell commands 
like cp/mv/cpdup.
3) Change the path to ALT in dovecot-conf mail_location.
4) Change the 'dbox-alt-root' soft-links in each users main (INBOX) 
directory to point to this new location.
5) Start up dovecot and mail server.

Am I missing something or maybe there is a better way?

Thanks, and have a nice new year.

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