Get rid of the "dbox-Mails"-folder

Hativ hativ3 at
Fri Jul 6 17:10:34 EEST 2018

Hey to all,

is it possible to get rid of the "dbox-Mails"-folder when using sdbox?

Currently my folder structure looks like this (I hope the output from 
tree would be formatted well):
     └── user
         ├── dovecot-acl-list
         ├── dovecot-attributes
         ├── dovecot.list.index.log
         ├── dovecot.mailbox.log
         ├── dovecot-uidvalidity
         ├── dovecot-uidvalidity.5b3f746f
         ├── mailboxes
         │   ├── Drafts
         │   │   └── dbox-Mails
         │   │       └── dovecot.index.log
         │   ├── INBOX
         │   │   └── dbox-Mails
         │   │       ├── dovecot.index.cache
         │   │       ├── dovecot.index.log
         │   │       └── u.1
         │   ├── Junk
         │   │   └── dbox-Mails
         │   │       └── dovecot.index.log
         │   ├── Sent
         │   │   └── dbox-Mails
         │   │       └── dovecot.index.log
         │   └── Trash
         │       └── dbox-Mails
         │           └── dovecot.index.log
         └── subscriptions

I would like to let it look like this:
     └── user
         ├── dovecot-acl-list
         ├── dovecot-attributes
         ├── dovecot.list.index.log
         ├── dovecot.mailbox.log
         ├── dovecot-uidvalidity
         ├── dovecot-uidvalidity.5b3f746f
         ├── mailboxes
         │   ├── Drafts
         │   │   └── dovecot.index.log
         │   ├── INBOX
         │   │   └── dovecot.index.cache
         │   │   └── dovecot.index.log
         │   │   └── u.1
         │   ├── Junk
         │   │   └──dovecot.index.log
         │   ├── Sent
         │   │   └── dovecot.index.log
         │   └── Trash
         │       └── dovecot.index.log
         └── subscriptions

My path configuration:
mail_attribute_dict = file:%h/dovecot-attributes
mail_home = /srv/mail/%d/%n/
mail_location = sdbox:~/

I have tried
mail_location = sdbox:~/:FULLDIRNAME=
mail_location = sdbox:~/:FULLDIRNAME=/
but it doesn't work.

The first doesn't change anything. The second auto-creates the folders 
after first login like I want, but after next login they are greyed out 
and no longer accessible.

Is it possible to get rid of the "dbox-Mails"-folder? I want this 
because I don't like to have an unneeded deep folder structure. Or is 
there a good reason to let the "dbox-Mails" folder in my setup?



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