Username aliases

Eirik Rye rye at
Thu Oct 4 14:23:29 EEST 2018

On 26/09/2018 08:34, Aki Tuomi wrote:
 > # before current passbd
 > passdb {
 >    driver = passwd-file
 >    args = username_format=%Lu /etc/dovecot/aliases
 > }
 > # into /etc/dovecot/aliases
 > alias at user:::::::user=real_username noauthenticate
 > This hopefully works.
 > Aki

This does appear to work, thanks!

As an optimization of the alias file, we tried setting "override_fields 
= noauthenticate" in the passdb instead of placing it as an extra field 
for every entry, however this does not work.

Setting "default_fields = noauthenticate" does work, however.

Why is this? According to the documentation, default_fields and 
override_fields are the same, except the latter one will override fields 
returned by the passdb? I would expect either configuration to set the 
"noauthenticate" flag.

Does override_fields only override fields that have already been set?

Finally, the dovecot debug log logs the statement "Allowing any 
password" before logging "Not performing authentication (noauthenticate 
set)" which sounds somewhat ominous, but this may just be a product of 
the way "noauthenticate" is implemented?


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