Autosubscribe to public folder

Рустам Daggers at
Thu Apr 4 12:45:37 EEST 2019

Hello everyone! I am trying to migrate from Dovecot 1.2 to Dovecot 2.2 and
I can`t find information how to subscribe all users to public folder. In
Dovecot 1.2 I have a few strings kind of "autosubscribeX =
Public.Documents" and every users get subscribed to this Public folders and
can`t unsubscribe. This is a goal. Is any posibility to make the same in
Dovecot 2.2 or each user have to susbscribe to public folders themselves
and this is kind of policy of Dovecot 2.2?

С уважением, Рустам Багов.
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