Emails redownloading

Jozef Sudolsky ELBIA s. r. o. jozef.sudolsky at
Fri Apr 12 12:04:49 EEST 2019

Citát "B. Reino via dovecot" <dovecot at>:

> On 2019-04-12 07:43, azurit--- via dovecot wrote:
>> Hi,
>> recently, we had a problem on one of our mail servers and, after
>> reboot, HDD with emails wasn't mounted into system. Until we fixed it,
>> LOTS of users logged in (Dovecot allowed login and recreated
>> directory  structure of mailboxes) and saw empty mailboxes. Now they
>> are  redownloading all email, which isn't fun, as it's about 2 TB of
>> data.
>> Anyway, is there a way how to prevent this in the future? Can i set
>> Dovecot to disallow logins in such situations? Thanks.
> You didn't tell which OS or init system you are using.
> With systemd, you can add use "systemctl edit dovecot" and use:
> [Unit]
> RequiresMountsFor=/path/to/your/mounted/mailbox
> This way dovecot will be started when the directory has been mounted.
> IMHO, and with no offence intended, if you can't control your system  
> initialization, then you should not start daemons automatically,  
> i.e. you should take the role of systemd.
> Cheers.

Thanks. Any other suggestions? Some which will cover also situations  
where HDD is disconnected while server is already running (so Dovecot  
won't display empty mailbox but deny login instead).

S pozdravom
Bc. Jozef Sudolsky

ELBIA, s. r. o.
Stoličková 870/4
974 01 Banská Bystrica

IČO: 36 702 897
IČ DPH: SK2022300995
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