Dovecot SASL

Jorge Bastos mysql.jorge at
Tue Dec 10 22:57:34 EET 2019



I know i've asked this before, but i think i got really no answer.


I'd like to have dovecot SASL, to check AUTH against an SQL table, instead
of dovecot SASL use the AUTH MECH for imap/pop3.

I want this, to have the same behavior as I have now, where i use postfix
with cyrus SASL on a different table (with the same login details), and when
i have an user that his accounts was hacked for sending spam, i just block
the send and allow the user to keep receiving emails, for example to warn


Would this be possible? Dovecot SASL against a SQL table? Havent found much
info about it,

Thanks in advanced,

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