Dovecot + Weakforced Policy server
alberto bersol
alberto at
Wed Jan 16 13:19:30 EET 2019
yes, I did miss the closing quote. Now, It not show auth error already,
It shows an Wforced Exception:
Exception in command [report] exception: Unable to convert presentation
address ''
But, it's no problem of Dovecot, I suppose... ;-)
El 16/01/19 a las 11:11, Aki Tuomi escribió:
> Did you miss the closing quote from api_header? Also, can you turn on auth_debug=yes?
> Aki
>> On 16 January 2019 at 12:05 alberto bersol <alberto at> wrote:
>> Hi Aki,
>> I've configured in this way:
>> vm-weakforced:~# printf 'wforce:super' | base64
>> d2ZvcmNlOnN1cGVy
>> vm-weakforced:~# cat /etc/dovecot/conf.d/95-policy.conf
>> auth_policy_server_url = http://localhost:8084/
>> auth_policy_hash_nonce = some random string
>> auth_policy_server_api_header = "Authorization: Basic d2ZvcmNlOnN1cGVy
>> With the same result...
>> > WforceWebserver: HTTP Request "/" from Web
>> Authentication failed
>> WforceWebserver: HTTP Request "/" from Web
>> Authentication failed
>> WforceWebserver: HTTP Request "/" from Web
>> Authentication failed
>> I'm not considering some detail
>> Regards,
>> El 16/01/19 a las 09:26, Aki Tuomi escribió:
>>> Hi!
>>> You configure it like this:
>>> auth_policy_server_url = http://localhost:8084/
>>> auth_policy_hash_nonce = some random string
>>> auth_policy_server_api_header = "Authorization: Basic d2ZvcmNlOkJydHpUNlRuTkZ4UUU="
>>> the authorization blob is basically
>>> printf 'wforce:super' | base64
>>> Aki
>>>> On 16 January 2019 at 10:06 alberto bersol <alberto at> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm trying to set Weakforced with Dovecot and I cannot log in policy
>>>> server. This is the config:
>>>> /root/weakforced/wforce/wforce.conf
>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>> ...
>>>> webserver("", "super")
>>>> ...
>>>> /etc/dovecot/conf.d/95-policy.conf
>>>> ----------------------------------
>>>> auth_policy_server_url = http://localhost:8084/
>>>> #auth_policy_hash_nonce = wforce:super
>>>> auth_policy_hash_nonce =
>>>> {SHA256-CRYPT}$5$Ue5UrToV.Bam02bQ$Bi9OJ62Mkgc20L2HnLVmD2OCHyXaKje6Hh7qNjnOkB9
>>>> I'm following the instructions of Dovecot's wiki:
>>>> ...
>>>> "To generate the hash, you concatenate nonce, login name, nil byte,
>>>> password and run it through the hash algorithm once. The hash is
>>>> truncated when truncation is set to non-zero. The hash is truncated by
>>>> first choosing bits from MSB to byte boundary (rounding up), then
>>>> right-shifting the remainding bits.
>>>> hash = H(nonce||user||'\x00'||password)
>>>> bytes = round8(bits*8)
>>>> hash = HEX(hash[0:bytes] >> (bytes-bits*8))
>>>> And I set hash with password (super) in this way:
>>>> vm-weakforced:~# doveadm pw -p noncewforce\x00super -s SHA256-CRYPT
>>>> {SHA256-CRYPT}$5$ZWIX2dnU7NJvGHgC$hYFbeCCaHYZv0yPP80GHygxQMPmI5BjMx2ttRe9zti2
>>>> But if I log in Dovecot Server:
>>>> vm-weakforced:~# doveadm auth login usuario
>>>> Password:
>>>> passdb: usuario auth succeeded
>>>> extra fields:
>>>> user=usuario
>>>> userdb extra fields:
>>>> usuario
>>>> system_groups_user=usuario
>>>> uid=1000
>>>> gid=1000
>>>> home=/home/usuario
>>>> Answer of Weakforced is always "...authentication failed":
>>>> WforceWebserver: HTTP Request "/" from Web
>>>> Authentication failed
>>>> And Dovecot logs don't show anything else:
>>>> ...
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: auth client
>>>> connected (pid=967)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: client in:
>>>> AUTH#0111#011PLAIN#011service=doveadm#011resp=dXN1YXJpbwB1c3VhcmlvAHVzdWFyaW8=
>>>> (previous base64 data may contain sensitive data)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: policy(usuario):
>>>> Policy request http://localhost:8084/?command=allow
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: policy(usuario):
>>>> Policy server request JSON:
>>>> {"device_id":"","login":"usuario","protocol":"doveadm","pwhash":"0a00","remote":"","tls":false}
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> queue http://localhost:8084: Set request timeout to 2019-01-15
>>>> 16:50:52.236 (now: 2019-01-15 16:50:50.236)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client: peer
>>>> (shared): Peer created
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client: peer
>>>> Peer pool created
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer
>>>> Peer created
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> queue http://localhost:8084: Setting up connection to (1
>>>> requests pending)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer
>>>> Linked queue http://localhost:8084 (1 queues linked)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> queue http://localhost:8084: Started new connection to
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> request [Req4: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Submitted
>>>> (requests left=1)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer
>>>> Creating 1 new connections to handle requests (already 0
>>>> usable, connecting to 0, closing 0)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer
>>>> Making new connection 1 of 1 (0 connections exist, 0
>>>> pending)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn
>>>> [2]: ( Connecting
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn
>>>> [2]: ( Waiting for connect (fd=20) to
>>>> finish for max 0 msecs
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn
>>>> [2]: HTTP connection created (1 parallel connections exist)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn
>>>> [2]: ( Client connected (fd=20)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn
>>>> [2]: Connected
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn
>>>> [2]: Ready for requests
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer
>>>> Successfully connected (1 connections exist, 0 pending)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client: peer
>>>> Successfully connected (1 connections exist, 0 pending)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer
>>>> Using 1 idle connections to handle 1 requests (1 total
>>>> connections ready)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> queue http://localhost:8084: Connection to peer claimed
>>>> request [Req4: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn
>>>> [2]: Claimed request [Req4: POST
>>>> http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> request [Req4: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Sent header
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> request [Req4: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Send more
>>>> (sent 95, buffered=303)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> request [Req4: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Finished
>>>> sending payload
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer
>>>> No more requests to service for this peer (1 connections
>>>> exist, 0 pending)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn
>>>> [2]: Got 401 response for request [Req4: POST
>>>> http://localhost:8084/?command=allow] (took 4 ms + 3 ms in queue)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Error: policy(usuario):
>>>> Policy server HTTP error: 401 Unauthorized
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn
>>>> [2]: Response payload stream destroyed (0 ms after
>>>> initial response)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> request [Req4: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Finished
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> queue http://localhost:8084: Dropping request [Req4: POST
>>>> http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]:
>>>> request [Req4: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Free
>>>> (requests left=1)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer
>>>> No requests to service for this peer (1 connections
>>>> exist, 0 pending)
>>>> Jan 15 16:50:50 vm-weakforced dovecot: auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn
>>>> [2]: No more requests queued; going idle (timeout = 10000
>>>> msecs)
>>>> ...
>>>> Any idea?
>>>> Thank you so much
>>>> Regards,
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