Push Notification clarification (MessageNew w/o LMTP or LDA)

Christian Balzer chibi at gol.com
Thu May 9 09:01:42 EEST 2019


Both the examples on the Push Notification wiki page and the XAPS plugin
docs seem to suggest or state that LMTP/LDA is required.

However IMAP IDLE notifications work without either of these (please no
religious discussion of why Dovecot LMTP is the best thing since sliced
bread and that everybody should use it).

The LUA part of the push notification docs however states that events other
than MessageNew are supported.

So my question is, when not using LMTP/LDA and a LUA script and of course
the correct mail_plugins definition (either global or for IMAP), will a
message delivery trigger MessageNew?


Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
chibi at gol.com   	Rakuten Communications

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