Learning ham/spam with IMAPSieve: sa-learn-ham.sh terminated abnormally, signal 11

Jens Rey it at rey.nrw
Sun Nov 17 09:45:24 EET 2019

> make sa-laern-ham.sh change name to rspamd-learn-ham.sh and addopt sieve 
> to that name change

I thought about the same thing while following the wiki guide. But in 
the end it's just the name of a bash script. Now I changed it as you 
proposed, since it just makes more sense, but the error remains:

Error: program `/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve/rspamd-learn-ham.sh' terminated 
abnormally, signal 11
Error: sieve: pipe action: failed to pipe message to program 
`rspamd-learn-ham.sh': refer to server log for more information. 
[2019-11-17 08:35:58]
Error: sieve: Execution of script 
/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve/report-ham.sieve failed

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