Repeated Inbox Corruption, how to Troubleshoot?

Aki Tuomi aki.tuomi at
Mon Dec 21 16:51:04 EET 2020

> On 21/12/2020 16:48 Bryan K. Walton <bwalton+1608560055 at> wrote:
> We are running Dovecot Version 2.3.8 (9df20d2db) (from the CentOS 8
> repos).  Twice in the last week, I've encountered an issue where my Mutt
> imap client logs into our imap server and has 0 new messages (when I
> know that there are a lot of new messages waiting on me).  
> Both times, I've had to shut down my mail client, and then run:
> doveadm -Dv force-resync -u <username> INBOX
> After which, I reopen Mutt and all of my new emails appear in the inbox
> of my mail client.
> Running the force-resync shows no problems.  Furthermore, "doveadm log
> errors" shows no errors on my account and there is nothing in the logs
> showing that anything is corrupted for me.
> Yet, the force-resync is fixing a problem that I can't locate.  Where
> should I be looking (or how should I update my logging) so that I can
> find out the source of the problem that is causing my repeated inbox
> problems?
> Thanks!
> Bryan Walton
> -- 
> Bryan K. Walton                                           319-337-3877 
> Linux Systems Administrator                 Leepfrog Technologies, Inc

Can you turn on mail_debug=yes, and provide output of `doveconf -n` and logs from mail delivery and when you open the mailbox.


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