2.3.10 + lazy expunge

Matt Bryant matt at the-bryants.net
Mon Jun 1 07:23:56 EEST 2020


so currently run dovecot 2.2.x on CentOS 7 box and was looking to 
upgrade to 2.3.10. I use lazy expunge atm into a different namespace but 
saw on the new doco pages that is is depracted in 2.3.0.

Have tested and still seems to work so question is more around why ? Why 
would this be deprecated given using a different namespace allows 2 things

a) the folder where message is located is taken accross so if I want to 
restore and know where it went

b) namespace allows me to specify an alternate location for storing the 

Also given it does still work is there any indication as to what version 
the deprecation basically equates to it not working.



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Deprecated since version v2.3.0.

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