A user's last access time

@lbutlr kremels at kreme.com
Tue Oct 20 21:44:47 EEST 2020

On 20 Oct 2020, at 00:33, Aki Tuomi <aki.tuomi at open-xchange.com> wrote:
> plugin {
>    last_login_dict = file:/somewhere/lastlogin
> }

It may be worth nothing that this can be specified as ~/.lastlogin
As well as something along the liens of /usr/local/virtual/%d/%u/.lastlogin

Dovecot is smart enough to do the expansion per user in the ~

The contents of the file are simply the epoch times stamp of the last login and the string


As far as I can tell, though I suppose %u may vary by config?

(It makes much more sense to me to put this information into the user database than into a text file, but that's neither here nor there).

"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
Pinky: (holding one of the pointy pieces from Sorry! and the bottle
	of Slick 'n Slide) I think so, Br...
Brain: [shuts Pinky's mouth] No, on second thought, don’t tell me...
    I don't think they allow that in a book with the Comics Code.

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