
at lbutlr at lbutlr
Fri Oct 23 18:54:54 EEST 2020

On 23 Oct 2020, at 05:47, @lbutlr <kremels at> wrote:
> Excellent! That was the secret sauce!
> Thank you!

For the sake of completeness, this is what I have ended up with:

require ["copy", "variables", "envelope", "fileinto", "subaddress"];
   # :matches has implicit ^ and $ around the match
   if not envelope :matches "to" "*backup*" {
    # get the top level after @ ( => example)
    if envelope :matches "to" "*@*.*" {
        set :lower "domn" "${2}";
    # get the user without detail (foo+bar => foo)
    if envelope :user :matches "to" "*" {
       set :lower "user" "${1}";
    # Un-needed step, but shows what is done in the trace log
    set "backup" "backup+297.${domn}.${user}@*somedomain*";
    redirect :copy "${backup}";

(I don't think I need fileinto)

This means that mail for user at domain.tld and user+foo at domain.tld ends up in a mailbox, today, of


And user2 at domain.tld


(Which means the backup IMAP hierarchy is all sorted DOY=>domain=>user)

I'd like a fail condition if the redirect for some reason cannot send, but that's a project for tomorrow.

and I swear it happened just like this: / a sigh, a cry, a hungry
	kiss, the Gates of Love they budged an inch / I can't say much
	has happened since / but CLOSING TIME

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