Btrfs RAID-10 performance

Miloslav Hůla miloslav.hula at
Tue Sep 15 12:14:03 EEST 2020

Dne 10.09.2020 v 17:40 John Stoffel napsal(a):
>>> So why not run the backend storage on the Netapp, and just keep the
>>> indexes and such local to the system?  I've run Netapps for many years
>>> and they work really well.  And then you'd get automatic backups using
>>> schedule snapshots.
>>> Keep the index files local on disk/SSDs and put the maildirs out to
>>> NFSv3 volume(s) on the Netapp(s).  Should do wonders.  And you'll stop
>>> needing to do rsync at night.
> Miloslav> It's the option we have in minds. As you wrote, NetApp is very solid.
> Miloslav> The main reason for local storage is, that IMAP server is completely
> Miloslav> isolated from network. But maybe one day will use it.
> It's not completely isolated, it can rsync data to another host that
> has access to the Netapp.  *grin*


> Miloslav> Unfortunately, to quickly fix the problem and make server
> Miloslav> usable again, we already added SSD and moved indexes on
> Miloslav> it. So we have no measurements in old state.
> That's ok, if it's better, then its better.  How is the load now?
> Looking at the output of 'iostat -x 30' might be a good thing.

Load is between 1 and 2. We can live with that for now.

> Miloslav> Situation is better, but I guess, problem still exists. I
> Miloslav> takes some time to load be growing. We will see.
> Hmm... how did you setup the new indexes volume?  Did you just use
> btrfs again?  Did you mirror your SSDs as well?

Yes. Just two SSD into free slots, propagate them as two RAID-0 into OS 
and btrfs RAID-1.

It is a nasty, I know, but without outage. It is a just quick attempt to 
improve the situation. Our next plan is to buy more controllers, 
schedule an outage on weekend and do it properly.

> Do the indexes fill the SSD, or is there 20-30% free space?  When an
> SSD gets fragmented, it's performance can drop quite a bit.  Did you
> put the SSDs onto a seperate controller?  Probably not.  So now you've
> just increased the load on the single controller, when you really
> should be spreading it out more to improve things.

SSD are almost empty, 2.4GB of 93GB is used after 'doveadm index' on all 

> Another possible hack would be to move some stuff to a RAM disk,
> assuming your server is on a UPS/Generator incase of power loss.  But
> that's an unsafe hack.
> Also, do you have quotas turned on?  That's a performance hit for
> sure.

No, we are running without quotas.

> Miloslav> Thank you for the fio tip. Definetly I'll try that.
> It's a good way to test and measure how the system will react.
> Unfortunately, you will need to do your testing outside of normal work
> hours so as to not impact your users too much.
> Good luck!   Please post some numbers if you get them.  If you see
> only a few disks are 75% or more busy, then *maybe* you have a bad
> disk in the system, and moving off that disk or replacing it might
> help.  Again, hard to know.
> Rebalancing btrfs might also help, especially now that you've moved
> the indexes off that volume.
> John

Thank you

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