dovecot 2.3.13 : make check FAILURE : Assert failed: buffer_append_full_file

J Lumby johnlumby at
Tue Jan 19 04:41:37 EET 2021

On 1/18/21 11:22 AM, Aki Tuomi wrote:
> line 52 does chmod to 0000
> lines 54-55 attempts to read this file now, and expects it to fail
> line 56 ensures that there was actual error provided

Oh yes,  of course you are correct.     I was confused by the MAX_SIZE 

I wrapped that test with

         my_euid = geteuid();
         if (0 == my_euid) {   /* am I running as root ? */
             seteuid(1);       /* set effective uid to non-root */

[ run test ]

         if (0 == my_euid) {   /* was I running as root ? */
             seteuid(0);       /* reinstate effective uid to root again */

and now it does not fail.

> Aki

I also discovered the cause of the ld errors from running some of the 
tests   -   the gcc link command was failing because the openssl libs 
were either not included in the command line or placed too early in the 
command line,   before the which references 
them.    I had same problem with the make but fixed it up,   but the 
same treatment is needed for the make check.     My openssl libs are in 
/opt/openssl/lib,    and I did follow the build instructions and specify

SSL_CFLAGS="-I/opt/openssl/include" SSL_LIBS="-L/opt/openssl/lib" 

but libtool did not do the right thing in some places. dovecot seems to 
have an unusual way of "linking" the openssl libs.

Eventually I think all is well.     Thanks

Cheers,   John Lumby

.SSL_CFLAGS="-I/opt/openssl/include" SSL_LIBS="-L/opt/openssl/lib" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/openssl/lib

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