quota-status fails when size=0 from Postfix

dovecot at ptld.com dovecot at ptld.com
Thu Jul 29 03:44:38 EEST 2021

> - sending a test mail with SWAKS returns DUNNO
>   (swaks is an SMTP test tool)
> the difference appears to be the "size=0" line that Postfix
> sends if I use SWAKS.

The postfix policy server sends over a bunch of key=values when it runs. 
It has no idea why its running, it doesn't know you want it to be 
checking for over quota. It just sends every thing over to dovcot who 
knows that you want to be checking for over quota. One of the key=values 
postfix sends is size=<bytes> of the message size. Dovecot looks at this 
and ignores the rest of what postfix sent and returns a result.

Now im guessing, maybe because you are using a testing tool, maybe it is 
not sending a message body in the email transmission, so postfix is 
correcting reporting that message has an email body of zero bytes 
(size=0). Dovecot must approve this because current maildir size + 0 != 
over limit. Maybe you are setup correctly and its just the testing tool 
that creates an edge case you wont experience in the wild.

Like you said when sending a real email it gets rejected right?

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