mail_crypt module and error with tmp directory

Fiorenza Meini fmeini at
Mon May 3 11:53:47 EEST 2021

Il 03/05/21 10:42, Aki Tuomi ha scritto:
>> On 03/05/2021 11:16 Fiorenza Meini <fmeini at> wrote:
>> Il 03/05/21 09:47, Aki Tuomi ha scritto:
>>>> On 03/05/2021 10:42 Fiorenza Meini <fmeini at> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I successfully enable mail_crypt module but I'm experiencing a strange
>>>> behaviour with tmp directory while accessing with POP3 protocol:
>>>> I see in log file:
>>>> Error: istream-seekable: safe_mkstemp(/tmp/dovecot.pop3.) failed:
>>>> Permission denied
>>>> I changed tmp directory configuration (mail_temp_dir variable) and
>>>> setting it with 777 permission, but the error is the same.
>>>> On client side it's working everything, but I'd like to understand the
>>>> error and if I have to be worried about it.
>>>> Thank you and regards
>>>> Fiorenza
>>>> -- 
>>>> Fiorenza Meini/Spazio Web
>>> Are you by chance using selinux or apparmor there which could prevent this? Also Dovecot's stock systemd unit prevenst you from writing into random locations, /tmp should be fine though.
>>> Aki
>> Hi,
>> I have apparmor installed on the machine, but even if stopped it the
>> problem didn't solved.
>> I think dovecot's systemd unit file configuration is this
>> one:/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/dovecot.conf
>> It's content is this:
>> # Type Path                    Mode UID  GID     Age Argument
>> d      /var/run/dovecot/       0755 root root    -   -
>> d      /var/run/dovecot/login/ 0750 root dovecot -   -
>> Should I insert here a line for /tmp directory ?
>> Thank you and regards
>> Fiorenza
> I don't think you need to do that.
> Also note that since you're using systemd, dovecot has PrivateTmp=yes, which means that /tmp is actually /tmp/*service*dovecot*/tmp
> Aki

thank you.
I can't see that directory under /tmp.... Is there a way to create it?


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