Backups and disaster recovery

Shawn Heisey elyograg at
Sun Dec 4 19:51:23 UTC 2022

On 12/3/22 20:16, Sam Kuper wrote:
> You might want to consider using ZFS.

Bystander reply:

I do like ZFS.  There are two reasons that I chose btrfs for my deployment:

1) License incompatibilities with ZFS and Linux.  These don't affect end 
users, but the situation is a little murky if you try to distribute 
something that uses both.

2) The ARC cache for ZFS is completely separate from the Linux disk 
cache, so that memory cannot be reclaimed under memory pressure as the 
Linux cache can.  Because of the license issues, ZFS cannot be a 
first-class Linux citizen, and I do not know if the module maintainers 
can have ZFS use Linux cache instead of ARC.

There is a little bit of worry that btrfs is not as mature as ZFS.  But 
I know there are Linux distributions using btrfs for the root filesystem 
by default, so that's probably a lot less of a worry than it was a few 
years ago.


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