Sv: dovecot mailing list (this mailing list), DKIM, SPF and DMARC

Benny Pedersen me at
Fri Feb 11 15:28:25 UTC 2022

On 2022-02-11 14:31, Marc wrote:

> How can you get a lower reputation? Afaik dmarc is just signing your
> outgoing messages.

there is no repution in dmarc, it either pass or fail, if all fails, it 
proves nothing, if all pass it proves just a litte that is not forged 

maillist should always be trusted, in the AR header, but not from 
untrusted AR header domains, dmarc check must not be used from untrusted 
AR signers, so make maillists ARC domains trusted, noice will then be 
lover on reports

i say still opendkim/openarc/openspf/opendmarc is still unstable, and no 
one should relly trust it in current state

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