The end of Dovecot Director?

Steff Majeur afamiliartaste at
Thu Oct 20 09:24:49 UTC 2022

I recently stumbled upon the following commit on the Dovecot core Github repository:

Apparently, Dovecot Director is going to be removed in the next major version of Dovecot and the commercial Dovecot cluster architecture will be its successor:

This would be a huge blow for many organizations around the world that are currently using Dovecot with Director in a shared storage environment.

Can anyone of the Dovecot developers maybe enlighten us about the future of Dovecot?
- Will there still be the Director feature in the next community release of Dovecot?
- If not, will there be a community feature that is on par with the current Director feature?
- For how long will Dovecot version 2.3 still be supported (security fixes, bug fixes)? Is there any EOL plan?

Thanks for any clarification!

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