[Dovecot] Dovecot for production environment

Mark E. Mallett mem at mv.mv.com
Fri Apr 9 00:49:23 EEST 2004

> I was looking for:
> - LDAP authentication
> - mbox support (simultaneous support for maildir is also nice since 
> we'll hopefully migrate sometime soon.)
> - easy but powerful configuration
> - a nice responsive developer and support community
> - uw-imap compatibility (that's what we were running before)
> - written with security in mind
> - good documentation
> - open source and Free

We're using it here on two mailservers and I echo the above comments.

> One other concern which worries me a little, is that the primary 
> developer Timo seems to have gotten busy or uninterested recently.  He 
> was clearly going above and beyond by responding to every question 
> within minutes, but looking at the archives recently he is posting a 
> lot less.  I just hope he's busy and not burned out because his work on 
> dovecot is amazing.

He probably is busy but I kinda have the opposite perspective.  Seems
to me he got it into a shape where it was working quite well before
going off and doing a lot of violence to the code for the next iteration.
It's nice to have progress but stable checkpoints are good too.
I dunno, can't have everything I guess :-)

If there were some real show-stoppers in what we're running now I'd
probably have a different opinion.


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