[Dovecot] Dovecot for production environment

Andrew Boothman andrew at mux.org.uk
Fri Apr 9 00:57:58 EEST 2004

Jared wrote:

> One other concern which worries me a little, is that the primary 
> developer Timo seems to have gotten busy or uninterested recently.  He 
> was clearly going above and beyond by responding to every question 
> within minutes, but looking at the archives recently he is posting a lot 
> less.  I just hope he's busy and not burned out because his work on 
> dovecot is amazing.

Timo posted recently and said:

 > Sorry about the lack of replies to questions in this list. Work on the
 > new indexing code has taken way too long, but it's finally beginning
 > to be get near usable state. After it's fully working, I'll start
 > being more active here again.

So I hope that he will be increasingly active on the list again, but 
there's little point in second guessing the reasons for his absence.

I also am increadably impressed with Dovecot so far, and would like to 
use it in larger installations once its small outstanding problems are 
fixed and it reaches 1.0.


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