[Dovecot] index corruption bug (

Moe Wibble t1lt at bk.ru
Sat Apr 10 02:27:17 EEST 2004


I've just upgraded to and I think I've spotted a bug
that can corrupt Maildir-index.

Reproduce it like this:

1. Get rid of all indexes
   e.g.: find ~/Maildir -name ".*imap.index*" -exec rm -v {} \;
         find ~/Maildir -name "dovecot-uidlist" -exec rm -v {} \;
2. Load Mailclient, Enter INBOX once (to have index recreated)
3. Change to LARGEFOLDER (one that takes a minute or so to index)
4. Deliver mail to INBOX *while LARGEFOLDER is still indexing*
5. Wait until LARGEFOLDER has finally opened, then switch back to INBOX

Result (for me):
imap(moe): Corrupted index file /home/moe/Maildir/.INBOX/.imap.index:
index.next_uid (247) > uid_rec.uid (246)

My dovecot runs on linux 2.4.19, Maildir on ext2 (softraid).

best regards

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