[Dovecot] dovecot dies - mabye a clue?

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at sterndata.com
Sat Apr 10 02:27:55 EEST 2004

Dovecot died twice today. This was in the maillog:

Apr  9 17:50:27 ciscy pop3-login: RAND_bytes() failed: error:24064064:random
number generator:SSLEAY_RAND_BYTES:PRNG not seeded
Apr  9 17:50:27 ciscy dovecot: Login process died too early - shutting down

I think I can cause it to happen reliably and I'm asking for other to test
this scenario:

Open several terminal windows.  In each, type "telnet 110".  Wait
for the dovecot POP prompt and do nothing.

After each times out, up-arrow and try again.  Sometime in the next hour,
dovecot will die.

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