[Dovecot] File isn't in mbox format - error

Timo Sirainen tss at iki.fi
Tue Oct 19 14:42:22 EEST 2004

On 19.10.2004, at 10:51, Götz Reinicke wrote:

> But today users told me that there where some problems; e.g. a user 
> tried to delete a message and got this error:
> Oct 19 09:43:13 mail imap(jmeinken): File isn't in mbox format: 
> /home/mitarbeiter/jmeinken//Trash

The mbox probably has an extra empty line at the beginning of it. 
Dovecot sometimes does that and then breaks itself. If this happens 
often, I'd suggest trying 1.0-tests which have rewritten mbox code.

> - Why is there the "//"

You've probably set default_mail_env = mbox:~/ or something similiar. 
Remove the extra / from there.
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