[Dovecot] mysql

Andrew Hutchings info at a-wing.co.uk
Tue Jul 12 16:56:08 EEST 2005

Jim Edwards wrote:
> Hello,
> Does dovecot require mysql in order to work? Fedora rpms are claiming
> mysql dependencies.
> I'm sure you're aware of the long-lived arguement of postgresql v. mysql.
> If it wasn't your intention to force this, then please snarl at Red Hat.
> If it was your intention, then grrrrr!
> Thanks for this product. I like it for it's speed and stability.
> Jim Edwards

Hi Jim,

Dovecot doesn't require it by default, but the Fedora RPM was build with 
mysql support, hence why it requires it (postgre as well I think).


Andrew Hutchings (A-Wing) - Linux Guru
Netserve Consultants - http://www.domaincity.co.uk/
A-Wing Internet Services - http://www.a-wing.co.uk/
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