[Dovecot] Auto Create Folders

Marcus Rueckert rueckert at informatik.uni-rostock.de
Mon Mar 21 17:51:20 EET 2005

On 2005-03-21 09:30:30 -0500, Chris L. Franklin wrote:
> >>"Dovecot doesn't create the mailbox; your local delivery agent may."
> True and False, My MTA creates my inbox but anything else  (meaning 
> subfolders) would be upto the imap server to do so. A MTA's job is to 
> deliver mail to the inbox or hand it off the another "app" to have it dealt 
> with and delivered (or not).
> >>"That would be the place to hook in and auto-create mailboxes."
> Again True and False, If I wanted to be 100% sure a user had a certain 
> mailbox (we'll say a spam folder). Then your half right. I would want my 
> MTA to make sure every time a piece of mail came in for that user that it 
> made sure. that user had a "spam" folder. But that wouldn't help though if 
> a user deleted he mail box then logged out and back in and hadn't gotten a 
> new email. So again to be 100% Safe I'd need to
> A: Have the MTA check and create the folder if needed (aka that's where 
> this email was going to be delivered to).
> B: Have my imap server check and create the folder on Auth / login.

the problem might be: what would your mta do if:
1. the user never logged in via imap
2. therefor no folders were created by dovecot
3. it has to deliver a spam message to the spam folder.

so you have to ensure the folder existance at the user creation level
imho. thats the logical point to do exactly that.
checking for folder existance everytime a user might access a service is
stupid. it costs at least a stat() call per directory.

just my 2 cents


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