[Dovecot] Reproducible duplicate messages bug with Mail.app+Dovecot

Andrew Moran amoran at forsythia.net
Sat Feb 10 20:00:58 UTC 2007

Hey guys,

I am not sure if this is a Mail.app bug or a dovecot bug.  I can  
reproduce it 100% of the time using dovecot and Mail.app.   I cannot  
reproduce it with other imap clients, which at first made me think it  
was Mail.app, but then I tried Mail.app with other imap servers and  
couldn't reproduce it either, so it's definitely the combination of  
the two.    So I thought I'd try you guys first before submitting a  
bug to Apple.

The problem:   If I move  multiple messages (set "A") from one imap  
folder to another, then delete those messages, and then move another  
set into that same folder (set "B"), then all the messages in set B  
show up as duplicates until I relaunch Mail.app.

My configuration:
Server: Dovecot 1.0rc22 using Maildir on FreeBSD 6.1
Client:  Mail.app 2.1 on OS X 10.4.8

Steps to reproduce:  (these steps involve trashing messages, so it's  
best to test this on email you are going to toss anyway)

1) Create a new imap folder (let's say "bar")
2) Drag more than one message (let's say 3 or 4) from existing imap  
folder "foo" to new folder "bar".
3) Click on new folder "bar" and see messages in there.
4) Select messages and delete them (Delete key).  Messages are gone  
as expected.
5) Go back to original folder "foo" and drag a few more messages into  
new folder "bar"
6) Click on bar.
7) You will notice that all the second set of messages show up twice.

Relaunching Mail.app at this point makes the problem disappear.   I'm  
guessing this has something to do with the deleted messages from Set  
A being purged until the close of imap connection.
Any help narrowing this down would be appreciated.

Thank you,


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