[Dovecot] pre-1.0.rc27: Index and mbox fixes

Chris Wakelin c.d.wakelin at reading.ac.uk
Sun Mar 11 19:04:25 EET 2007

Timo Sirainen wrote:
> I've been doing some stress testing in the last few days and fixing all
> the errors I saw. I'm hoping that I've finally really fixed all the
> index/mbox problems. So, again I think the only thing left for v1.0 is
> the documentation. Please test this nightly snapshot before I'll release
> rc27 tomorrow:

I'm getting crashes from dovecot-auth every time

#0  0xff0cf600 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0xff0cf600 in ?? ()
#1  0x1ec4c in get_uid (user=0x5bc08 "/opt/RDGdovect/etc/dovecot-ldap.conf")
    at main.c:75
#2  0x246e8 in checkpassword_request_half_finish (request=0x5bc30)
    at passdb-checkpassword.c:99
#3  0x2328c in passdb_blocking_lookup_credentials (request=0x0)
    at passdb-blocking.c:158
#4  0x17648 in auth_cache_parse_key (pool=0x5b838, query=0x51000 "")
    at auth-cache.c:44
#5  0x1ff0c in mech_cram_md5_auth_initial (auth_request=0x59fa8,
    data=0x51400 "", data_size=0) at mech-cram-md5.c:166
#6  0x2024c in verify_credentials (request=0x0, credentials=0xffbefb54
    at mech-digest-md5.c:180

The really odd thing is that I'm not using LDAP this time (the
authentication section for this is commented out and doesn't show up in
"dovecot -n").


P.S. I compiled imaptest10.c OK, but can't use it because of this!

Christopher Wakelin,                           c.d.wakelin at reading.ac.uk
IT Services Centre, The University of Reading,  Tel: +44 (0)118 378 8439
Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 2AF, UK              Fax: +44 (0)118 975 3094

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