[Dovecot] What would you tell the CIO in an "ABCs of Email" overview?

Gabriel Millerd gmillerd at gmail.com
Wed May 9 08:47:18 EEST 2007

On 5/7/07, Esther Schindler <esther at bitranch.com> wrote:
> One of the key points that came up when I researched and wrote the
> "Five Things CIOs Should Know about Fighting Spam" article (http://
> www.cio.com/article/28830) was that they should know the basics of
> how email works. Otherwise, said plenty of techies, the CIO won't
> have the first idea of what the email admin is complaining about.

While its not 'ABC' the email loop is covered quite well here and that
loop is needed to understand spam. Any talk if rcpt rules, relays,
dnsbl, group level / user level bayes, will havea good reference
there. http://wiki.dovecot.org/MailServerOverview

Buffetted with something like these

Gabriel Millerd

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