[Dovecot] Problems with Shared Mailbox

Timo Sirainen tss at iki.fi
Fri May 11 15:07:12 EEST 2007

On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 14:11 +0200, Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
>   location = mbox:/var/mail/shared:CONTROL=/var/mail/shared/.control:INDEX=/var/mail/shared/.index

mbox has no CONTROL directory.

> -rw-rw----  1 dovecot  vhsal      0 May  7 13:50 dovecot-shared
> -rw-------  1 estartu  vhsal    376 May  7 13:53 dovecot.index
> -rw-rw----  1 dovecot  vhsal  23552 May  7 13:53 dovecot.index.cache
> -rw-rw----  1 dovecot  vhsal   7116 May  7 13:53 dovecot.index.log
> How can I gate dovecot to set the permissions of this files to rw-rw---- 

mbox doesn't support dovecot-shared file either. So unfortunately this
won't work.

Also if you used maildir, the dovecot-shared would have to be in the
maildir directory, not in the index directory.

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