[Dovecot] Conflict -> Dovecot + Maildrop (maildirsize)

Timo Sirainen tss at iki.fi
Fri May 11 17:40:07 EEST 2007

On Wed, 2007-05-09 at 10:23 -0300, Roberto Gonzalez Azevedo wrote:
> 'maildirsize' with dovecot:
> "
> 1099511627776S
> 585847701 102542
> 5504023 959
> "
> In both examples the quota is 1GB (1073741824S).
> And now ? Does anybody known how to fix that ?

Looks like you're trying to tell the quota in bytes to Dovecot. Dovecot
wants it to be in kilobytes in its configuration file / userdb (it still
writes it in bytes to maildirsize, as you can see above it writes 1GB *
1024 value in there).

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